January 10, 2012

Schools make children despise work

We need lot of workers in this world to run it...real physical work- both skilled work and unskilled work. World cannot survive without physical work, whatever be the mechanisation and automation.

Schools and colleges make children sit and learn books from age 5 till late youth-hood. Doing manual work is taboo. Children at the same time like to do manual work, of course, the works which they enjoy doing.. not exploited labour. It is hard to control young children running, jumping and doing physical work. Only when they are forced to sit still in the school do they start learning laziness. Schools teach children to stop physical activities and sit listening passively.

Authorities tell parents and the society that children doing work is inhuman. They call it child labour. Of course it is evil when a child is forced or coerced to manual work with abuses and without rewards. Otherwise those children employed in their parent's shops and establishments are seen to enjoy their work and they look self esteemed since they feel worthy for being part of the income earning of their parents. Besides, they do not have to suffer the boring lecturers and irrelevant contents that is of no consequence to their life and future.

The schools convey a strong message that manual labour is a dirty thing, fit for low class people called labourers. It is not a healthy practice. Dignity of labour should be respected and children should be taught to respect the dignity of labour and self earning and help them in getting employed from early years.

There should be lot of jobs that children could do in a non-exploitative regime. They should be encouraged to help parents in the kitchen and in cleaning of houses and washing house, car etc and keeping the premises neat and tidy. They should be paid rewards for their labour in addition to appreciation.

Let us not create highly qualified citizens incapable of doing any work and averse to manual labour. Let us not create such citizens who live their childhood entirely for a bright future and then spend their youthhood unemployed and depressed. Let our school education be restructured to put dignity of labour into practice.

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