January 23, 2012

സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം - അര്‍ദ്ധരാത്രി പിഞ്ചു കുഞ്ഞുങ്ങളുടെ നടനം!! ബാല പീഡനം

കുട്ടികളെ പീഡിപ്പിക്കരുത് എന്നത് നിയമമാണ്. എന്നാല്‍ പീഡനങ്ങള്‍ കുറെകൂടി വ്യക്തമാക്കി നിയമം ഉണ്ടാക്കണമായിരുന്നു.

കലോത്സവത്തില്‍ ആറു മണിക്ക് നടക്കേണ്ട നൃത്തം നടക്കുന്നത് അര്‍ദ്ധരാത്രി കഴിഞ്ഞ്. വെളുപ്പിന് മൂന്നു മണിക്ക് വരെ നൃത്തമത്സരം നടക്കുകയാണ്. ഒരു സമ്മാനം കിട്ടാന്‍ കൊതിക്കുന്ന കുട്ടികള്‍, അവരെ അതിനായി പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിച്ചു എത്തിച്ച മാതാപിതാക്കള്‍, സ്കൂള്‍ അധികൃതര്‍ എല്ലാരും ഉണര്‍ന്നിരിക്കുന്നു രാത്രി മുഴുവന്‍. കൊതുക് കടി ആണെങ്കില്‍ അസഹനീയം!

January 22, 2012

The technology has arrived! off with your textbooks and get hold of an ipad

The textbooks are slowly on its way out. Technology has amazingly improved and this very handy electronic device called tablet PC is here. IPad is considered best among tablet PCs.

The coming days is going to witness a flood of e-textbooks on every subject available on your tablet. It is time to bid adieu to paper industry and the woodcutters.. Leave the woods there for birds and squirrels..we don't need to cut trees anymore for making paper.

January 21, 2012

Ipads might soon replace textbooks in schools


Advantages as I see

1. students need not have to carry heavy loads of books to schools
2. students might find it much convenient
3. learning will be revolutionised by replacement of written text by multimedia texts
4. saving paper ...lot of trees need not be cut

January 17, 2012

Indian school education is rated as poor by international agency

Optionals must be allowed from early schooling

All children are not similar or equal in their talents, interests and abilities. Forcing them to follow the same curriculum uptill 15 yrs is unnecessary and wasteful. Many students will reveal their aptitudes by middle schooling.

Why should we not have optional subjects allowed in schools itself. This will enable a student proficient in mathematics to choose more mathematics and less history. For students who are good in languages and who dislike mathematics should be able to adopt a softer mathematics and more of languages..

This will reduce child harassment in schools that is camouflaged as curriculum 

January 13, 2012

Unrecognised teacher training colleges cannot run: Supreme Court

So far the NCTE was a toothless tiger.. no biting power.. Whether it recognises or de-recognises an institution does not prevent the institution from admitting students because Universities and State Governments did not bar the students from the un-recognised institutions from sitting in B.Ed exams. Once a student appear for the exam she/he gets the B.Ed certificate from the University. So the institution's recognition did not matter..

Now the situation may change.. The supreme court seems to be unaware that the State Governments and Universities are the real villains in thwarting NCTE

Curriculum making is not a child's play

School curriculum has far reaching impact in shaping the society as the life of students is to a large extent affected by curriculum. Curriculum includes everything that goes on in the school including the learning contents which is listed as syllabus, teaching methodology, school timings, evaluation system etc.

School curriculum must be useful to students in their future life. It should not be a time waster or junk items. Students time is as precious as adults. It is during schooling that they have to learn essential skills needed for life.

Curriculum making is a tedious activity that has to be supported by large amount of research...it is not to be left to the whims and fancies of a few teachers to design a curriculum. Many textbooks amply reveal that these people do not have any vision or direction while doing their work.

Uprooting sadism and crime is part moral science

Moral science is taught to children at school. But crimes committed by educated people are going up-crimes like corruption, murder, harassment... Elimination of violence and greed must be indispensable part of education. Otherwise what is the use of education if we are bringing out at least a percentage of the educated people are intellectual criminals.

In Kerala society incidences of cheating are widely prevalent -cheating people by financial companies, job rackets etc. A large number of people are unable to bear the stress imposed by life and are committing suicide; among them those who are trapped through debts are many. People are not sensitive to sufferings of animals and birds even though in poems and songs these creatures are mentioned as symbols of love. Family system is breaking up fast to economic as well as sociological reasons. School curriculum must be capable of reducing the stress and violence in the society

January 12, 2012

Are schools making children better behaving humans

Schools and school curriculum create unnecessary tension and strain in children; competition and drive for excellence are making children very serious looking individuals devoid of happiness and basic behaviour. The curriculum tend to promote regimentation with military discipline, uniforms, insistence on obey of rules and so on; children's natural talents and behavior are killed. They are made emotionally impoverished and little stress is given for improvement of positive emotions and promoting self esteem and individuality.

Class leaders are given task of writing down names of students who talk in the class while the teacher is away. This is inculcation of negative attitude towards friends rather than promotion of leadership qualities. Instead of teaching kids to love one another negative emotions like jealousy, hate and inferiority complex are promoted.

January 11, 2012

A public discussion on Astrophysics and science by DeGrasse

An intellectually stimulating discussion and great presentation of complicated astrophysics in simple manner by DeGrasse

January 10, 2012

Schools make children despise work

We need lot of workers in this world to run it...real physical work- both skilled work and unskilled work. World cannot survive without physical work, whatever be the mechanisation and automation.

Schools and colleges make children sit and learn books from age 5 till late youth-hood. Doing manual work is taboo. Children at the same time like to do manual work, of course, the works which they enjoy doing.. not exploited labour. It is hard to control young children running, jumping and doing physical work. Only when they are forced to sit still in the school do they start learning laziness. Schools teach children to stop physical activities and sit listening passively.

Authorities tell parents and the society that children doing work is inhuman. They call it child labour. Of course it is evil when a child is forced or coerced to manual work with abuses and without rewards. Otherwise those children employed in their parent's shops and establishments are seen to enjoy their work and they look self esteemed since they feel worthy for being part of the income earning of their parents. Besides, they do not have to suffer the boring lecturers and irrelevant contents that is of no consequence to their life and future.

The schools convey a strong message that manual labour is a dirty thing, fit for low class people called labourers. It is not a healthy practice. Dignity of labour should be respected and children should be taught to respect the dignity of labour and self earning and help them in getting employed from early years.

There should be lot of jobs that children could do in a non-exploitative regime. They should be encouraged to help parents in the kitchen and in cleaning of houses and washing house, car etc and keeping the premises neat and tidy. They should be paid rewards for their labour in addition to appreciation.

Let us not create highly qualified citizens incapable of doing any work and averse to manual labour. Let us not create such citizens who live their childhood entirely for a bright future and then spend their youthhood unemployed and depressed. Let our school education be restructured to put dignity of labour into practice.

January 08, 2012

School managements must be made aware of child rights

Many schools use children not just for the educational purpose but for satisfying the needs of the school or its interest groups.

Children are often herded to attend programs participated by VIPs so that there is no shortage of audience in the hall.

Children are often taken out as procession through roads to propagate schools events even where the roads are very unsafe due to fast moving traffic.

Children are made to stand for hours, often under hot sun, to welcome some VIP when he or she arrives.

School authorities often do not even bother to distribute food and water to the children when they make the children work for them.

Waiting endlessly for the VIP without food, or water and disregarding health problems if any

Children wait for some VIP to arriave

Children are taken out as procession disregarding unsafe traffic on roads

January 06, 2012

Don't waste children's time; they have a hard long journey of life left

Fifty percent or more of the curriculum is absolutely rubbish...few students are going to benefit from such rubbish in their life. It is sheer waste of their precious time which otherwise would have gone for learning something useful for their future.

January 05, 2012

Don't Kill Their Skills -Children like to work too

The educational bosses of the country think they are doing something great by making every children sit tight from morning till evening in the classrooms. Even for adults it require enormous patience to listen to boring lectures. Grown ups have option to quit if someone delivers boring speech or lecture, whereas children do not have that freedom. They are forced to sit and listen to teachers all the time, whether they like it or not.

It is child torture. Forcing kids to sit from morning till evening every day studying studying studying..

Young ones of all living beings like to jump around, play and do whatever they want innocently. Human kids are not allowed to do anything they like to do. Instead they are threatened to do what elders like. It is cruel.

Children like to do work like elders. They too have dignity and if they have opportunity they will just quit studies and work for money to fend for themselves. Why shouldn't they be given opportunities to learn skills in production of goods etc. and do some work daily to earn something. Why they are jailed with hard intellectual labour and destroy their natural instincts, abilities and skills.

Children loose their health and abilities unless they are given skill trainings and opportunity to work from early ages.

Educational Bosses, start becoming sensitive; Stop going by superstitions and ignorance. Stop forcing your adamant orthodox thinking into education making lives of future generation miserable..

January 02, 2012

School I.T curriculum makes a student a guinea pig!

My Criticisms on the Information Technology Curriculum:

1. The contents are primarily on free software. The most commonly used proprietary operating system and software are excluded. I have seen that the operating system Windows and office software MS Word is the most common software used in the market. Just because it is a proprietary software should not be a reason to exclude it.

2. If proprietary software is to be avoided then why not we avoid computer hardware too, because these are invented and manufactured by private sector?